Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thank you for my Weaknesses and my 100th blog post.

We spend great amounts of times being thankful for our strengths and how they take us here and there. In a world of strength finders and positive feedback, our weaknesses are glossed over and avoided like a missing finger.  Yet we spend no time being thankful for our weaknesses.  As Gary Vaynerchuk, the audacious entrepreneur, has asked people to do this thanksgiving, I am going to enumerate my weaknesses and why I am thankful for them.  They are in no particular order or ranking.

I am not a shark.  This is a weakness in business and in my social interactions.  When I was in sales I would sell the products people needed not what made me money.  When I was in business management positions I would go for a great deal but always try to come to a win win solution with suppliers wanting everyone to win not just myself.  When I invite kids over for a sleepover I invite them all and sacrifice my sleep. This may keep me limited in my ambitions, however it keeps me humane and fair.  I can sleep at night, am proud of who I am and am willing to leave some on the table in the hope for fairness and karma.  Oh, and I love the pack of kids having a blast, eating my food, and tearing up my world... most of the time.  

I have a sarcastic and often ironic sense of humor that gets me in trouble.  While this is a weakness living in the Midwest, I think I just might lose my mind without the funny silent chatter that goes on in my cynical witty mind. If I did not see the humor in life's little falls and spills, I might take myself and everything else too seriously.  

Example... game of Cards Against Humanity. Question: Blank is the logical gateway to Blank.  I put a subscription to a men's fitness magazine is a logical gateway to an M16 assault riffle.  Well of course this had me in stitches but everyone else looked at me like I was touched.  Then another one came up said Question: Blank is the worst way to die.  I put abject stupidity is the worst way to die.   So my sense of humor is a little off for my current latitude and longitude.  A weakness in social situations but Oh well.  - said dripping with sarcasm.  

My brain works so fast I often have something figured out way before the conversation has gone there.  The stream of information and processing that happens in my head is a great thing for problem solving but a weakness in communication.  I have to work to maintain patience when people are explaining things that I already figured out before they even opened their mouths.   OK, sometimes I am just dead off, however often enough I get it right.  I am thankful for my speed and efficiency, and will just have to work harder to allow others their due attention. 

This speed is a weakness in my written communication.  You see, I have a few contributing factors here. Add in in a terrible lack of spelling skills and a typing speed way over 100 words a minute that is erroneous as hell.  Then add in a family background of languages like Yiddish and Hebrew, with their backward syntax, and you get a product that needs much review.  I type how I speak. You should never know, how backwards I write some times. lol.  I am thankful for this because I enjoy my thought patterns.  I do need to, either spend a lot of time reviewing or accept a less than perfect product.  This slowing down is good for me.  It forces me to occasionally breathe.    Yet, if you have read many of my blogs, you have found that I often go for the 'its good enough' attitude.  My blog is my stream of consciousness and allowed to be more natural in syntax, at least that is my story and I am sticking to it.  

I have a little bit of a wild side.  OK, a good amount.  I sometimes term it suppressed boogie or evil inclination or just my me'ness.  I really am good most of the time, but some times I just need to be a little bad.  Not robbing a store and Thelma and Louis bad, more of a selfish buy myself a pair of shoes or go to a music festival and dance around a field for five days,  or backpack around Europe for a year or two bad.  This is a weakness when it comes to stability and practicality.  Yet, to be honest, I love this about myself.  It is what I pull on when the going gets tough and I have to lean in and taken on challenge. As a mother and adult I can only take small escapes and I use them well.   

The last weakness I am going to be thankful for is something that I have always thought of as my Gemini behavior.  Every few years I change.  I change up what I am into and what may give me fire. This does not mean I don't have some enduring loves, like gardening and nature. There is just this big part of me that just sort of shifts to new interests.  Part of this is because I get board.  I don't like doing the same thing over and over again.  After a certainly point, I am good to go, and need a new playground to play on for a while.  I love to learn about many things but don't need to be an expert at them all.  I would rather take on a totally new subject then dig so deep I hit lava.  I am thankful for this because it has resulted in a hugely well rounded set of skills, knowledge and interests to pull when I need to.  

This process has been a lot of fun. Weaknesses sometimes become strengths and for me are many of the things about me that I love best.  Thanks Mr. V for the homework.  

Now I would just like to be thankful for all the time, effort and mental focus you have put forth to read my blog.  This is my 100th blog post.  When I started this blog I thought it would be a fun way to ramble on about stuff and at least my mother would read it.   I had no idea that I would be sitting here typing up my 100th blog post on disgruntled feminist.

I have to say that, it tickles me pink, that my posts get a certain amount of organic traffic.  It is not some wild vial explosions. It is some daily traffic from those that regularly check. It is also shares, that are most powerful, and get my content read and reread and slowly shared again. So if I give you a quality post with a rant, a moral and maybe some laughs, share it out there for me.  

Hats off to you Gov'ner.


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